Green Schools Leadership Team
Maynooth Post Primary has a strong tradition in Green Schools with many teachers and students working on the initiative over the years. Since the Covid pandemic and moving to our new school building the Green Schools scheme was restarted in September 2022.
A Green Schools Leadership Team was formed which comprised of students from 1st year to 6th year in the school. The team also comprises of teachers who help the students to achieve their aims.
The main aim of the Green Schools Leadership Team was to attain a Litter and Waste flag in the academic year 2023/24 which was achieved in May 2024. The committee have performed numerous tasks so far over the past two years including carrying out surveys, holding community recycling events, purchasing general waste and recycling bins for the schools and raising awareness about Green schools around the school to attain this flag.
The committee have great plans for the future and aim to make Maynooth Post Primary a Green School for years to come.
Any student interested in becoming part of the Green Schools Leadership Team should speak with Ms Elaine Clarke (in AH opposite P25).