Maynooth Post Primary School


German Language Exchange

Every year in Maynooth Education Campus, Transition Year and Fifth Year students are offered the opportunity to participate in a two or three-week long German exchange. There is a well-established German exchange programme between Maynooth Post Primary School and Gustav-Heinemann Schule, near Düsseldorf.

The students experience family and school life in the exchange country. They can greatly improve their language skills by immersing themselves in the new culture. Our students then have the opportunity to welcome their new friends to Ireland and to Maynooth Education Campus. These exchanges have been a great success over a number of years.

German Successes in National Competitions

Students in the German Department have great successes in National Competitions, including the Secondary Schools Translation Competition, run by the Irish Translators and Interpreters Association.

Some of our students have been offered German Scholarships by the German Embassy, based on their excellent Junior Certificate Results.


Why learn German?

Languages and the learning of languages is becoming more crucial in today’s global world. International companies such as Google, Facebook and Twitter who now have hubs in Dublin are putting greater emphasis on languages skills than ever before. When universities ask these companies what skills they wish students to have, they talk not about M.A.’s or P.H.D.’s - they invariably ask for the same thing: information technology and language skills.

  • Business:Knowing the language of your German business partners improves your relations and therefore your chances for effective communication and success.
  • The global career:Knowledge of German increases your job opportunities with German and foreign companies in your own country and abroad. Proficiency in German helps you to function productively for an employer with global business connections.
  • Tourism and hospitality industry:Tourists from German-speaking countries travel wide and far, and are the world’s biggest spenders when on holiday. They appreciate to be looked after by German-speaking staff and tour guides.
  • Science and Research:German is the second most commonly used scientific language. Germany is the third largest contributor to research and development and offers research fellowships to scientists from abroad.
  • Communication: Developments in media, information and communication technology require multilingual communicators. A wide range of important websites are in German and worldwide, Germany is ranked number 5 in terms of annual publication of new books. Knowledge of German therefore offers you extended access to information.
  • Cultural understanding:Learning German provides you with an insight into the way of life, and the hopes and dreams of people in German speaking countries, broadening your horizon.
  • Travel:Make the most of your travels not only in German-speaking countries, but in many other European countries where German is widely spoken, especially in Eastern Europe.
  • Enjoyment of literature, music, art and philosophy:German is the language of Goethe, Kafka, Mozart, Bach and Beethoven. Indulge in reading and/or listening to their works in their original language.
  • Opportunities to study/work in Germany:Germany awards a generous number of scholarships and other support to study in Germany. Working holiday visas are available for young foreigners from a range of countries, and special visas are offered to skilled workers and professionals.
  • Opportunities for exchange:A wide range of exchange programs exists for both school and university students between Germany and many countries in the world.


Feb 17
Midterm Break
Feb 27
MECPTA Table Quiz Fundraiser
Mar 05
Mock Interviews
Mar 19
Bí Cinéalta Staff Training
Maynooth Education Campus, Mariavilla, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, W23 X6X8
01 628 6060
© 2025 Maynooth Post Primary School