Maynooth Post Primary School

TY Information Pack 2024-2025

Dear Parent/Guardian, please see listed below the letter for Transition Years and important information sheets.

Letter to TY Students 2024-2025

Listed below are information sheets. Please click on each link - This is vital information for all students and their parents.

TY Booklist 2024-2025 for information
Book Scheme Policy
School Calendar 2024-2025
A Parent’s Guide to the Child Protection Procedures
Acceptable Shoes
Unacceptable Footwear
Uniform Policy
Guide to VSware (For Parents)

Please see the guide to VsWare above for general instructions on how to navigate the APP. If during the school year you are having issues logging into the APP (once you've received your log in details) please try the following solutions -

  1. if using a mobile phone to access the app - delete and reinstall the app as phone updates can affect app.
  2. if using a laptop/pc to access the app - delete your browsing history and cookie cache as this can affect the app.
  3. Email if you still can't log in.
School Map
SPHE at Senior Cycle
Social Media Information
Feb 13
1st Year PTM 4.15-6.45 (school finishes 3:45)
Feb 17
Midterm Break
Maynooth Education Campus, Mariavilla, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, W23 X6X8
01 628 6060
© 2025 Maynooth Post Primary School