Please see below the link to the exciting new website from our Guidance Department. The website contains links to colleges, courses and an events calendar amongst other things. Thanks to the Guidance Department in setting this up!
Guidance and Counselling Department
Life is a Journey. The Journey of students from 1st to 6th year in school is a journey of challenges, change and opportunity. The staff of the Guidance and Counselling Dept provide a professional support service to students as they make this journey. That service is central to the team work of School Management, Year Heads, Tutors and subject teachers in providing a supportive and guiding whole school environment for students as they make decisions, cope with issues of growing up and prepare for college, work and life.
What does the Guidance and Counselling Dept offer to the student?
We offer a “listening ear” (counselling), the benefit of career knowledge (guidance), and class and “out of class” learning opportunities. We offer students:
Personal Guidance and Counselling. One to one counselling on all matters that may affect a student’s life and referral to appropriate outside and statutory agencies.
Educational Guidance. Professional advice on subject choice, subject combinations, study methods and exam techniques, organisational and planning skills.
Vocational and Career Guidance. Our career guidance programme offers students the opportunity to research and explore relevant careers and courses of interest in Universities, Institutes of Technology, Colleges of Further Education, Apprenticeships etc. As students prepare to leave school during 6th Year we arrange for them to attend the Higher Options Exhibition and we ensure that they know about Third Level Open days and Information evenings.
In Partnership with the Parents Association we support annually a Careers Information Night. Individuals who come from different work backgrounds are available to discuss different job options with Students.
Going to College and/or into a career requires preparation and we provide programmes and advice on CV preparation and Interview skills.
Post school choices are best made when parents are informed and involved. Our Department holds Information Nights for parents to help them understand the link between subject choice and future University or Job decisions.
For those students going on to Third Level a critical moment in 6th year is the completion of the Central Admissions Office (CAO) application form. We provide Information Nights for Parents to help them understand the CAO applications and deadlines. This enables Parents to discuss the CAO with their sons and daughters.
The Department has two professionally qualified and experienced Guidance Counsellors. The staff members are: Ms E. Finlay and Ms K. McManus, We look forward to working with School Staff, Parents and, most importantly, students themselves, in helping our students be happy and successful in their journey through their Secondary School Years.
Our door is always open to students.
“The Quality of your life ultimately is shaped by the quality of your choices and decisions”
Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma is a Canadian writer and leadership speaker. He is best known for his “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” series of Books
2018 Subject Choice Presentation: Subj choice 2018 maynooth new_parent_presentation.pdf